Welcome to the Taylor Family Farm Online Store!
Shop our USDA Tennessee farm fresh meats. Non-GMO Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken and Turkey online or at our on farm store. We also mill our own custom Non-GMO Chick Starter, Broiler Feed, Layer Feed, Cattle Feed, Pig Feed, Multispecies Feed, Goat Feed & Non-GMO Whole Corn.
Featured Products
100% Non-gmo
Non-GMO Multispecies Feed BAGS
Non-GMO Multispecies Feed BAGS
Please wait until order is marked "ready for pickup" to pickup your order
SKU 00212
Yummy Deal!
Chicken Cut Subscription
Chicken Cut Subscription
Breast and Leg quarters
SKU 009321
was $30.51
Save 10%
Leg Quarters Holiday Special
Leg Quarters Holiday Special
SKU 03013
was $143.55
Save 29%